Thursday, September 20, 2012


I am not sure if anyone has noticed but I have been (intentionally) MIA for the past 2 ½ months.  At the beginning of July, I scheduled an post that I decided never to make live, but to just let the blog sit idle.  I didn’t know for how long the site would sit unattended, but it wasn’t until I received encouragement from a reader several weeks back and a friend ofmine who also reads the blog that I decided to start writing again.

Don’t get me wrong, I have missed updating and writing on the blog over the past 2 ½ months, but I really needed the time away to focus on other things in my life.

This is the post that never made it live back in July:

I Don’t Want To Be Connected (To Electronics, That Is)

Over the past month, I have been struggling with being “connected” by the internet and cell phone.  For the first time in my life, I am not concerned about the amount of time I am spending online because I am met with my own personal resistance to being connected.  I am perturbed by a society that is connected to their cell phones and internet connections every waking minute.

In the month of June, I inadvertently started to break away from blogging* and the internet in general.  I think I posted once a week for two or three weeks.  I checked my email every several days but I was horrible at responding back.  It was so bad that I even received a second and third email from a friend who was worried that something happened to me!

With the fast-paced world around us, I have been yearning for the truly simple life.  A life with no real plans on the weekends and time spent together with friends and family face-to-face.

Have you gone through a phase that you completely disconnect from the internet and your cell phone?

*Please note that I love-love-love connecting with people! I enjoy blogging and reading emails and comments from followers of the blog.  But I have been cutting back a bit to “stop and smell the roses” along the way.

So, what have I been up to over the past 2 ½ months?  A lot!  I have several posts to write and update my faithful followers on what we have been up to here on the homestead including what we decided to do with our broody hen, how our garden turned out this year, our new way of eating gluten/dairy and sugar-free, and many other topics.

The only difference from the past is that I will not be posting nearly as much as I used to: most likely just once a week.

To all the readers who have stuck with me through all of this, THANK YOU.


  1. Thanks for the update! I have not been blogging over the summer either, or even reading blogs, for similar reasons. Sometimes writing and reading about the simple life gets in the way of actually living it. The raspberries are doing good - got a dozen berries or so actually!

    1. John,
      I couldnt agree more. I have not kept up with alot of sites about what I enjoy either (simple living, frugality, homesteading, etc.). I would much rather live life than read about it.

      I am so thrilled the raspberries are doing well! Our transplanted berry plants are small this year, but will be nice and large next year. You should have a nice crop next year too.

      I am looking forward to catching up. :-)
      Have a great weekend.

  2. Winter is a better time for blogging more frequently. In the other seasons there is just too much to do. I know I stayed with blogging rather than the old Facebook games I played with friends. There was no interaction there, no good ideas on how to improve your garden, finances, recipes. Glad to see you again.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Thank you for being a faithful reader. I appreciate it.

  3. I love Sparing Change!

    1. Lol. Thanks, Antonio. You are one of the friends who have helped motivate me to get back into updating the blog. THANK YOU!

  4. Yay :) i was checking all the time and nothing, so glad you are back!

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