Thursday, May 19, 2011

Saving Money on Vacation: Day 2 (…continued)

Yesterday, I wrote about the first part of our day on our long weekend getaway.  Day 2 was a 9 hour day, which is why I felt the need to break it up into two posts. 

After our fabulous lunch in the car of homemade hoagies, we decided to do a little traveling.  While on the road, I noticed a sign for cavern tours up the road: we decided to go take a look.  20 minutes later (because “up the road” for us and “up the road” for West Virginians are two completely different things!), we finally got to the cavern!  I went inside to inquire about the next tour, and it was in 15 minutes.  So we bought two tickets.

This cavern tour was the only money we spent on Day 2.  It was a bit pricey, if you ask me, but it was a lot of fun! The price: $27 and change for the two of us.  But look at what we got to see:

Smoke Hole Caverns

Entry into Cavern


The Bat I Pet! (I did! It was so soft!)

Rock that looks like a turtle!

After the cave tour, we decided that we wanted to go see what was called “Dolly Sods.”  Our experience of Dolly Sods is that we drove up a one lane, dirt road all the way up a mountain for about an hour to be highly disappointed.  There was nothing of major significance other than the incredible views of the mountains and me worrying about losing my life off of the steep cliffs!

A bit discouraged, we decided to try one last scenic route to Spruce Knob.  Spruce Knob is the highest point in West Virginia, and though the roads were the same as Dolly Sods’, the destination was spectacular.  The views were awesome, there were people there to talk to, dogs to pet, wildlife frolicking around the rocks and even some information about the highest point in West Virginia.  This is what we saw:

Oh, and did I mention how cold it is at the highest point of West Virginia?  Brrrr.  We rushed back to the car and started on our way back to the cabin.  Within minutes, it started to rain, but we were so thankful that it waited until we were finished doing our sight-seeing for the day!

Tomorrow, I will be writing about our relaxing day at the cabin with a little sight-seeing of the small town, Beverly, WV. 

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